Empty Princes Street

Christmas shopping today was an interesting experience in a snowstorm. The shops were almost deserted, the city's buses stopped running and schools closed again. In some cases the buses stopped before a school closed, which for those pupils with cross-town journeys meant either a very long walk in the snow or an overnight stay at a friend's house.

Temperatures are supposed to rise to 6 degrees at the end of the week. I daresay we'll be wading through one gigantic puddle.


  1. When we lived in New Hampshire and a snowstorm came during the day when school was already in session, it was always a hard decision for the administration to decide when to close. Sometimes it was necessary to send the school buses home mid-day, which caused a problem for working parents. There was never a right answer, it seemed.

    This is a beautiful photo, Linda. You are having some wonderful photo opportunities these snowy days and I am always grateful that you venture out with your camera. Stay safe, and stay warm!

  2. Great shot but obviously not fun except for the kids with the day off. Snow days were always a super time for us when we were kids!

  3. Oh my gosh, it's so beautiful!! I feel horrible for those stranded without transportation home, though... :(

  4. it would be almost haunting to go shopping where no one was really out and about. but, at least you could get some good deals without fighting someone for the line, :) your photo is gorgeous. i would worry about my child in the storm though. it sounds pretty cold there. it's been cold here too. hope all is well.

  5. Another photo that confirms that Edinburgh is a lot colder and snowier than here in the Eastern Sierras!!! Brrrrrrr!!!

  6. Yup, the Scottish Executive told the City Council not to have a blanket school shutdown if the buses were running. Same day the schools were all in and the buses stopped, leaving everyone stranded! Bloody politicians couldn't run a snowball fight in a blizzard!!! Why have aweather forecast and then ignore it?

    But all the boxes on the health and safety assessment was dutifully ticked... last Thursday.

    Send them all off to Leith on one of their trams.

  7. What an AMAZING picture of the castle - so mysterious and beautiful (how many snows have those stones seen, I wonder).

    Do keep warm and entertained by good books and the internet! :-)

  8. I am loving the photos but do feel sorry for those who have to live in it, a few minutes of delight and a lot of difficulty.

  9. We're having a snowstorm here as well, it took me an hour to get home from work (because fortunately, our buses run in storms unless it's exceptionally bad)where it normally takes me 10-15 minutes!

  10. This time last year I was getting ready for our flight to Aberdeen! Scotland in December is SO different from TEXAS in December! Drastic weather changes affect both countries, however! Even within a space of days! Merry Christmas from Texas!

  11. Gee---you all have really had the snow so far this winter... We are having a huge coldfront with some snow here also. Here on the Cumberland Plateau, we have only had a trace of snow---but our temps are very low (13 F this morning) for us.... Crazy Year!!!!

    I can understand why nobody is shopping.... That's unbelievable that the schools wouldn't arrange for some kind of way for the kids to get home. Our schools here close even when there's just a few flakes of snow!!! ha


  12. Linda - your photograph is OUTSTANDING... Simple perfection. Glad you braved the cold to take the photo.

  13. Hi Linda,
    That is a great picture. I went bike riding on Tuesday in shorts! While the eastern half of the US is under 12 feet of snow, we have been dry and warm. I am still posting hiking pictures!

    I am heading to the mountains for the holidays though, so I'll get some snowy pictures up.


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