Counting trees

Recently it's dawned on me that every mature tree in Edinburgh city parks now sports a little blue tag with a number on it. The younger trees are free from this branding, presumably because as they grow and expand the tag might well ping off. One wonders quite why so much effort has gone into tagging each tree. Perhaps if one escapes it can be brought back to the right place. I should ask the City Council. Maybe there's a job opportunity there - I would exchange my day job for one counting trees.


  1. Ooh, can I get this job? One thing that amazes me here is that a 20 year old oak tree here is about as big as many of the oldest trees you see in city parks in Scotland. Kinda takes some getting used to!

    I see in our title that you love clouds. Me too!!!!!

  2. Clouds coming up tomorrow, Alison!

  3. Those blue tags have a microchip in them, and once a tree is stolen an army of government funded computer geeks in a secret bunker can track it real time from their computer screens...maybe.

  4. That would be a big job, Official Tree Counter, and every other year when there's a big storm, you'd be very busy crossing off the trees that have fallen down, ticking them off with your sharp pencil on your large city map. Can I be assistant Tree Counter?

  5. I can see a Ministry of Tree Counting taking shape...

  6. Linda, Never seen this post until now. Trees on Craiglockhart Hill now have TWO tags. A blue one and a metal one. We should have seen what was coming when you posted back in 2008!


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